Monday, January 7, 2013

A Habit Makes the World Go Around

For this New Year, I want to do the following:

  1. Spend more time praying, reading, worshipping God. 
  2. De-clutter my life, which means de-cluttering my clothes, boxes of books, art supplies, etc.
  3. Save at least $500 a month, and I don't mean saving on sales, but literally putting the $500 in my savings account. 
  4. Re-write my children's stories before publishing.
  5. Eat Healthier
  6. Exercise more
  7. Write a memoir
I have learned that I can only focus on three at a time. If I can turn the three into a habit, than I can add three more on my list.
Check out this site where Dr. BJ Fogg shares the we can make things into a habit with only 3 steps:

I plan on doing this for the item number 1, 3 and 5.

Item 1, I will turn worship music on the second after I get out of bed.
Item 3, I will put $250 into my saving account after I get my paycheck.
Item 5, I will pack my lunch after I brush my teeth at night.

Dr. BF Fogg says that if you can make small changes to these habits, once you can do these with little effort, you can accomplish full behaviors, like the items 2, 4, 6, and 7.

Let me know if you learned something to better your life today. 

Written by Linh Dang
Founder of FreedomCollage

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